LightCode Photonics, a startup that is taking the world by storm, is entrusting its finances to
LightCode Photonics is a spin-off company of the University of Tartu, whose team is developing innovative 3D vision technology that will allow autonomous machines to “see better”. In the autumn of 2020, LightCode Photonics won first place in the local round of business ideas of ActInSpace, and in addition to other awards, the company also won the mentoring support of Tehnopol Startup Incubator of Tallinn Science Park.
How did LightCode Photonics find
The path of LightCode Photonics and crossed in Tehnopol. “When I was studying the services offered by Tehnopol, I noticed as a provider of accounting services and I decided to study closer possible cooperation with them,” said the founder of LightCode Photonics, Heli Valtna (PhD). She added that she also met with other accounting service providers, but seeing’s automated and thoughtful workflow, it was easy to make a decision. ”Accounting can be done by traditional methods. However, I prefer the approach, where the accountant does the thinking instead of just copying figures,” said Valtna.
How did the transition to take place?
“We are a startup company and so our cooperation with started from scratch. From the very beginning, it was very important for me that offers its services also outside Estonia. In our case we may be launching a new unit abroad in weeks and months, and we were very happy to see that it was no problem for the team,” said Valtna. She pointed out that at the beginning of the cooperation, it was also important that’s customers included several major players with an international reach and profile as it gave a sense of security for the cooperation.
How is cooperation with going?
“I am a big fan of the way organizes its work,” said Valtna. “For us, systematic approach, automation and smooth workflow are the keywords. For example, we only send invoices, the digitization software Envoice enters them, and only if there are any questions or discrepancies, the accountant comes into play and checks that everything is in order,” added Valtna.
“I highly appreciate’s ability to build forecasts. In our work, it is necessary to constantly think ahead, and specialists do it perfectly, for example when I start filling out a project application, which requires a 5-year forecast or accounting overview. If I have any questions, I can ask my accountant or, if necessary, another senior financial advisor. The existence of such background power is extremely useful in our work,” added Valtna.
“I also always have a clear picture of our current situation. The whole system is built up so logically that I can at any time see what the financial picture of our company is,” she added.
What has LightCode Photonics gained the most from working with
“I think it’s peace of mind. I have a reliable partner and it allows me to focus on what is our main job and leave financial matters to professionals,” said Valtna.
“There is also significant saving of time. Neither I nor my team have to deal with small documents on a daily basis – everything is digitized quickly and simply, and all the steps that can be automated are automated. Such efficiency is essential for a fast-growing company like LightCode Photonics and we value it very highly,” added Valtna.